Die Flagge von Uruguay



Colonia Suizza, the 8.01.2004

Linux farm.

Foundation for the establishment of a Linuxfarm in Uruguay.

Hello dear Linuxer,

I place a dream before the reality to you will must! The world needs to develop a large farm, on the open SOURCE and prosper can. On this farm it will give surface covering InterNet. Everywhere small living objects will stand in the open SOURCE Coder in peace to live and to program be able. Who would like to eat, open Buffet needs to go and can avail itself only to the 24h. For the water and current supply we provide. The running costs are covered by the agricultural enterprise and by a sharing of costs by approximately 300 Euro/Monat*Person.

Only condition: Everything which is programmed here must under the GPL.

Which this farm of everything can in the following in summary by some examples (you naturally still substantially more will be able)

* Company X would like to offer gladly their programs for Linux. Around a program Y to provide it would be for this company importantly some open SOURCE of parts of e.g. Linux to be constantly improved. This company would have now 2 possibilities:
It adjusts still times additionally some programmers specially, the full time around the open SOURCE part worries or you promotes themselves a project purposefully at the Linux farm which busily with it. In addition the following arithmetical example:
3 inexpensive programmers Vollzeit employed inclusive all additional expenses 10,000 euro/month
or 3 programmer on the Linuxfarm for 900 euro/month employs or about 30! Programmer for 10000 euro/month on the Linuxfarm employs.
* Some companies XYZ have a large interest in it e.g. such projects such as OpenOffi to correctly advance, i.e. are finally to everyone evidently better than the commercial competition. But about 1 million euro/year to together-scratch might not be so difficult. 1,000,000 euro = 277!!! Programmer constantly employs.
* Large-scale building sites such as KDE or GNOMES could play finally after a arduous programming day football against each other (better than this Newstickerschlachten)

Who does programming become without content?

* All those that anyway already do, see Linux
* Humans those the time between two jobs meaningfully to use want
* Humans in their holidays gladly times with Gleichgesinnten coden became
* All students, who would do something meaningful in their term holidays gladly times
* All students the one mad practical course place look for
* All, which learned something, which has to do somehow with computers, and which would show now gladly times, what her to be able. What is a better application finally, as a good program in computer science?
* All those times gladly a certain time in peace, without continuously ringing Handy, without date stress, without everyday problems algorithmieren want.
* Crazy person
* ...

Where and how are these humans to live and work?

* To live you can do in one of the many houses those will develop there. Uruguay has the advantage that it gives here as well as no construction specifications. If so e.g. a university wants to realize gladly times a small building project with their students, in which you can be really innovative times, has you here the possibility and the free area for the order.
* To live one knows the construction costses in one of the gesponsorten houses, whereby I must warn, is like favorably here; -)
* Work know you everywhere (surface covering WLAN). At the beach, on the meadow, in an old airplane, or in the library or in tents or... (where always you want and which always it you break in let)

How does it look with the quality of life?

* Like that lala, humans will be forced in free standing houses to live, and if the cleaning service disturbs you can you to the Buffet go and all possible courts there try.
Caution, which is quality of the food very highly, e.g. tomatoes those after tomatoes tastes real, each day best meat, fruits, vegetable and prescriptions from everywhere from the world.
Who exhaust gas and city noise needs must however for CD bring along itself. Who in the town center than at the beach to rather walk goes also pitch had. Who makes gladly sport, Joggen, basketball, football, bicycle driving, must unfortunately be content Fittenscenter... with Surfen, fishing rods.
!Vorsicht, is for west Europeans the only person at the beach to be been sometimes very unusual! No fear, one gets accustomed to.

Why Uruguay?

* It lies favorably (airport Buenos Aires very near, international airport Montevideo, international airport Punta del Este)
* By the economic crisis country is here very favorable.
* The necessary infrastructure is present.
* It is not the USA or Canada, not Europe and also not Japan. Thus these 4 parties do not need to argue already times about this project. The country is as it were unimportantly enough, in order to endanger no country in any market position.
* More information to this country (and also to me) on the homepage www.uruguaymagazin.com

How could one so which realize?

* E-Mail to everyone send, which can have interest in such a project somehow.
* If possible think, and me write which you of it hold (info@uruguaymagazin.com).
* Sponsors activate

And which happens now? (with it it like thousands other ideas, only one vision does not remain)

* We will try a Foundation will base, so that a donation from Germany can to be acknowledged be able to be made valid also as donation and so fiscal advantages.
* We will wait for like the reactions are, and then declarations of intent will collect if necessary. If we have enough together, in order to buy a large farm, it goes actually already loosely.

Who are we actually?

Tinito of Rappard and Wolfgang Wehrheim (I).

Locking remark:

First some apologies: my write style is the latter certainly also not, error free is the whole. Also yet all questions are not naturally clarified, but perhaps already times somebody else has to program dreamed about it in peace at one most beautiful marks of the world (subjective) and argue maintained with other humans about really interesting things to (Vi or Emacs) or (Vi or Emacs).

Dreams beautifully, I go to Surfen, the wind is good now

Wolfgang Wehrheim


Colonia Suiza, the 9.01.2004

Linux farm.

Enormous one resonance thanks

Actually we wanted to send only times the idea to a hand fully friends. The (positively) we, as we only some hours later, were more surprised an article over our plan than articles in pro linux found. The enamels with questions and suggestions came promptly. A selection of the most frequent questions and answers to seize can reread you down in our FAQ.


Which period you for it for the realization of the project set?
* That depends completely on as many sponsors we can find in which period. If we have however only times to look for the intention explanations necessary for the establishment collected, we need about 2 months over for a suitable farm and about still times 2-3 months around the most necessary infrastructure to install. Then it can loose-go actually, and those first programmer can loose-put.

How largely is the farm to become, and how you place is to then offer many humans?
* The farm is to have at least 900 hectares of surface area. So that you for 900+ humans at least surface area has one hectare (100 meters * 100 meters = 10,000 square meter). We want to make sure with the fact that the largest part of the food supply is carried also with extensive managements by the country.

Which capital is to be created necessarily around the Linux farm and kept later?
* Over the farm to buy and with the infrastructure equip we need about 2 million euro. Additionally we need 100,000 for the first 5 years still times euro/year for preservation. Afterwards the project will finance itself.

Which concrete use do the donating companies have?
Example company X needs about 10 Programierer for the realization of their project for approximately 1 year. That would mean you about
7000 Euro/Monat(Gesamtkosten for a programmer in Germany)
-300 Euro/Monat(Kostenbeteiligung for the LinuxFarm per month and Programierer)
* 10 (number of programmers)
* 12 Monat(Monate)
-10*700 euro (flugtickets)
= 804,000 euro

Which concrete use do the establishment companies have?
The sympathetic consideration the entire open SOURCE movement, and the best advertisement. Announce their company world-wide, without having to switch in all newspapers and television channels. Prove they to farsightedness (the positive follow are unpredictable), authority (with Linux on the correct horse set) and the ability to be able to deal with social responsibility.

We have also in Germany structure-weak regions, why you do not open there a Linuxfarm
For three reasons. First of all the necessary capital would be at least 10 times higher, and secondly we want to organize few and program much. While we must obtain our opinion to in Germany still any permission (e.g. building permit), we can program here. The third and most important reason is however, which cannot endanger Uruguay a country in the world in its Linuxvorherschaft. Which US-American Linuxprojekt would already invest in Europe around European Union countries to strengthen? Which Chinese company will send money into the USA (for a promotion project)? ...
Linux is much too important, in order to deliver thereby any political problems! Linux connects.
Subsequently, I would like to however still say that we would find it mad, even if there were a Linuxfarm in Germany.

How can I help?
* Write us a E-Mail thereby we you up to date to hold can.
* We need information about the establishment of a Fundation.
* Write a E-Mail all friend/acquaintance those to interest in our project to have somehow could. no Spaming!
* Be written us if you somehow a presenting could to help one year in Uruguay to spending and us.
* We need completely urgently translators!

The best ideas, which were sent us by E-Mail.
* Ein kostenloses Supportcenter fí¼r alle Linuxer Weltweit grí¼nden.
* Eine íœbersetzungsprojekt starten, damit Linuxliteratur (HOWTO´s, FAQ´s, Online-Bí¼cher ...) endlich in allen Sprachen vorhanden ist.
* Soft und Hardware Test Center einrichten. "Wí¤re es nicht gut, wenn eine Betaversion der Software XYZ vor der Verí¶ffentlichung von einer Hand voll Usern auf Herz und Niere getestet werden wí¼rde?"
* Kostenlose Lernsoftware (Schule, Uni, Beruf...) erstellen, die z.B. Schí¼lern verschiedener Lerngeschwindigkeiten beim Selbststudium hilft. Wirklich Gute Softwareprojekte dieser Art sind ,laut E-Mail, immer am Umfang der Arbeit gescheitert.
* Ein Projekt zur Nutzbarkeit von Linux in Stí¤dten und Kommunen. "So kí¶nnten die Stí¤dte die Kosten zur Umstellung erheblich senken. Natí¼rlich lí¤sst sich nicht alles auslagern, aber ein GroíŸteil der Arbeit kí¶nnte wirklich woanders gemacht werden!"

Wie kí¶nnen wir sicher sein, dass das Geld nicht "verschwindet" ?
Wir brauchen zu diesem Zweck, ganz klare Kontrolle. Eine offene Kontofí¼hrung. Eine unabhí¤ngige Kontrollinstanz im Spenderland ...
Da wir hier mit fremden Geldern umgehen, ist eine scharfe Kontrolle Seitens der Spender fí¼r uns eine Selbstverstí¤ndlichkeit. Bitte schreiben Sie uns, wenn Sie gute Ideen oder Erfahrung zur Finanzkontrolle haben.

Was habt ihr persí¶nlich von der Linuxfarm?
Nichts, nur das wir dauerhaft an einem der schí¶nsten Plí¤tze der Welt leben werden, das Hobby zum Beruf wird und ich mir fí¼r das Aufwachsen meiner Tochter (28 Tage alt) keinen schí¶neren Ort vorstellen kann. Das ich mir damit einen Traum verwirkliche schadet auch nicht gerade.

Wolfgang Wehrheim

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