Die Flagge von Uruguay



Rio de la Plata, the 10.12.2003


Uruguay magazine arranged the most important conditions of entry to the emigration.

Despite conscientious treatment we cannot naturally take over any adhesion for the completeness or soundness.

Immigrating persons need a continuous visa of the responsible uruguayischen consulate. This visa permits foreign citizens to remain unlimited time in the country and gives the possibility of procuring in Uruguay a "Permian ISO de reingreso" (re-entry permit) so that they can return with a temporary departure without visa. For a continuous visa abroad the following documents are to be submitted to the responsible consular agency of Uruguay:

· Personal record , under indication of the reasons, why that/those would like to emigrate Antragsteller/in after Uruguay;

· police certificate that that/those to Bewerber/in and all if along traveler member of a political organization with umstuerzlerischer tendency do not belong;

·Certificate that that/those is qualified Bewerber/in for the practice of an occupation, a trade or for the line of an enterprise. Otherwise amounts of the security are to be deposited, which are credited by the consular agency of the uruguayischen central bank, where they are registered Namender depositors and held for the order of the immigration authority.

Quarters can take immigrating off immediately with the arrival, the remaining three quarters in equal parts in the following three years. Over the height of the depot possibly which can be carried out as well as practice-grounded repayment mode the consular agency gives, with the that immigration request is placed, information;

Still another abschliesendes noncommittal remark:

Who would like to emigrate gladly, and from Europe, has for the moment no Schwierikeiten a durable visa comes to get. Aufgrung of the desolate finaziellen situation of the country are more than welcome all Devisenimportoere.

Good flight

Wolfgang Wehrheim

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