Queridos amigos y amigas, Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde: Wettbewerbs für Umweltfotografie
von YAGE, Verein für lat. Kunst
am 28. September 2006 07:48:15 Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
Die Nummer 39/40 von XICöATL (Sept. 1998/Feb. 1999) mit den Ergebnissen des 1. Wettbewerbs für Umweltfotografie ist schon online unter dem Link:
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch auf unserer Website. Wir möchten Sie noch erinnern, dass Sie Ihre Beiträge für den zweiten Fotowettbewerb noch bis 15. Oktober 2006 bei uns einrichen können. Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage www.euroyage.com. Freundliche Grüsse!
Queridos amigos y amigas:
La edición No 39/40 de XICóATL (Sept. 1998/Feb. 1999) con los resultados del 1. Concurso de Fotografía Ecológica XICóATL está ya en internet en el enlace:
Nos alegraremos con vuestra visita a nuestra página. Les recordamos que el plazo para enviar los trabajos al 2. Concurso vence el 15. de octubre 2006. Más información encontraréis en www.euroyage.com . Cordial saludo!
YAGE, Verein für lat. Kunst,
Wissenschaft und Kultur
Schiesstattstr. 44
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel: ++43 662 825067
RE: Queridos amigos y amigas, Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde: Wettbewerbs für Umweltfotografie
am 21. Februar 2007 07:36:23) Lipstick is known to have been used around 5000 years ago in ancient Babylon, when semi-precious jewels were crushed and applied to the lips and occasionally around the eyes. Ancient Egyptians extracted purplish-red dye from fucus-algin, 0.01% iodine, and some bromine mannite, which resulted in serious illness. Cleopatra had her lipstick made from crushed carmine beetles, which gave a deep red pigment, and ants for a base. Lipsticks with shimmering effects were initially made using a substance found in fish scales called pearlescence. beauty salon Lipstick started to gain popularity in the 16th century, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, who made blood-red lips and stark white faces a fashion statement. By that time, lipstick was made from a blend of beeswax and red stains from plants. During the Second World War, lipstick gained popularity as a result of its use in the movie industry, and it became commonplace for women to apply makeup, or "put their face on". cosmetic make up As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. It is usually not worn until a female reaches adolescence or adulthood. A lip-duo is a combination of lipstick and lip liner. Another form of lip color, a wax-free semi-permanent liquid formula, was invented in the 1990s by the Lip-Ink International company. fashion beauty Other companies imitated the idea, putting out their own versions of long-lasting "lip stain" or "liquid lip color", but were not allowed to infringe on the patented wax-free formula. Lipstick used to make a symbolic kiss A lipstick lesbian is a slang term for a feminine homosexual woman who is attracted to another feminine woman, rather than a lesbian who is attracted to a more masculine woman, such as in a "butch and femme"-type relationship. It is also used to describe a homosexual (or bisexual) woman who exhibits feminine gender expression, a female who wears make-up (thus, lipstick), dresses or skirts, and perhaps takes on other characteristics associated with feminine women. In mainstream American films, lesbians are often portrayed according to the lipstick lesbian stereotype to be both politically safer and more sexually attractive to male viewers. A good example is Showtime's television series The L Word, which presents most of its major lesbian characters in this way. Most lesbians in mainstream pornography are also portrayed in this way. The term was used in San Francisco at least as far back as the 1980s. liposuction In 1982, Priscilla Rhoades, a journalist with the gay newspaper The Sentinel, wrote a feature story on "Lesbians for Lipstick. The term is thought to have emerged in wide usage during the early 1990s. A 1997 episode of the television show Ellen widely publicized the phrase. In the show, Ellen DeGeneres's character, asked by her parents whether a certain woman is a "dipstick lesbian," explains that the term is "lipstick lesbian," and comments that "I would be a ChapStick™ lesbian."